
Monday, May 24, 2010

Engagment Invites!

So my partner Sam proposed to my a couple of weeks ago!! super exciting!! and now comes all the fun-ness of organising a wedding!! We want a DYI wedding with a vintage/rustic theme - as we have a very little budget. I am going to blog all of these fun parts and how I have done it on our little budget. so here we go...

Here is my first part - the engagement party invite. I have designed them like a vintage envelope the folds up and closed with a sticker. I used Manilla folders as I wanted a heavy brown textured card that I could print on to, fold and stick - ready to go with my need for envelopes. I made 40 invites.

$2 for the manilla folders ( I brought 100 for $20 which I will use for the wedding invites)
$20 stamps!
$1 sticker paper
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